Sunn the Sunflower Cover
Sunn the Sunflower Cover
Here is Sunny for sale at Strand Bookstore, 828 Broadway, NYC
Here is Sunny for sale at Strand Bookstore, 828 Broadway, NYC
Our dear friend reading Sunny to her grand-daughter
Our dear friend reading Sunny to her grand-daughter
A story about a Sunflower who discovers herself and her special gifts with the help of her dear friends: Rhys the Ladybug, Koko the Frog, Rudi the Bluebird and Leo the Caterpillar.
Written by Ursula Bevan who was riding in a car on a rainy day to Zurich, Switzerland, when she noticed a field of sunflowers with all their heads looking down. She commented that she had never seen that before and thought how clever nature is, the sunflower heads were all looking down to protect the sunflower seeds from the rain! Back home, a few weeks later, she awoke with Sunny rattling around in her head. She got up and wrote down the whole story. Then she showed it to her dear writer friend, Roberta Summers who was very positive and helpful to get the process started to turn the story into Christmas presents for Rhys, Koko, Rudi and Leo, her grandchildren. Nothing like this has ever happened to her before and she is very grateful for the experience and the feeling of accomplishment it has given her. It was later decided to share it with the world because there are many more Sunnys out there who need to know that changing who you are on the outside doesn’t matter- it’s what’s inside that matters, and finding friends in the world who love you for who you are.

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